Vampire Claus Audiobook

Do you like audiobooks? I’m narrating Vampire Claus into audio!

As an experiment, I’m going to record Vampire Claus a chapter at a time and post the files here on my website. These files won’t be edited or professionally engineered. If it turns out there is enough interest, though, I will rectify that!

You can listen to the chapters by clicking play on the chapter boxes below. If you’d rather download the files to play on iTunes, you can get them by signing up for my newsletter mailing list here.

Chapter 1 (posted 11/18/18)

Chapter 2 (posted 11/26/18)

Chapter 3 (posted 12/10/18)

Chapter 4 (posted 12/18/18)

Chapter 5 (posted 01-14-2019)
Chapter 6 (posted 01-14-2019)

(And don’t forget — September, narrated by the fabulous Kale Williams, is available on audio here!)

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