Addison Albright hosted me on her blog Stories That Make You Smile, where I wrote about the gift of reading and my mother.
Take a look here.
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Addison Albright hosted me on her blog Stories That Make You Smile, where I wrote about the gift of reading and my mother.
Take a look here.
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Thanks to Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews for hosting this stop on my blog tour to promote the release of Every Breath You Take. I realize that one of my pairings isn’t technically a bromance, but I don’t know the right word for shipping Wonder Woman and Black Canary!
Take a look here.
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It’s sad but true. Now that you have a first draft, you still have a lot of work to do before you start showing that manuscript to agents or publishers. For some tips, take a look at this guest post about rewriting that I wrote (and then rewrote) for Serious Reading.
This was a fun post to draft for Alpha Book Club. If you want to know more about Provincetown, take a look!
To wrap up my blog tour for September, I wrote this guest post for Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words. Take a look!
I wrote a guest post for Love Bytes Reviews about my favorite character. Take a look here!
Thanks to Boy Meets Boy Reviews for the kind review of September.
“Winter’s writing style is straightforward. There aren’t a lot of bells and whistles, but three things stood out-it’s clear he gets romance, character development and dialogue. Both of these characters are fully realized. They communicate their feelings in realistic ways and each of their nuances were captured superbly. Neither are reluctant to tell the other know how attracted they are to the other and as their relationship evolves neither have any qualms about letting the other know how strong their feelings are. It was a delight to read two men who are so honest with not only each other but themselves.”
Please click here to read the full review.
Another Christmas treat for me — a sweet, thoughtful review of September from Dianne at It’s About the Book. Take a look!
Dianne writes: “David and Brandon were so very real to me. The insecurities they harbored were genuine. They had valid concerns. They behaved selfishly and were blindingly stupid at times, yet they were absolutely heroic at others. There were shows of pride, stubbornness and absolute devastation. I commend the author for being brave enough to take Brandon and David to some pretty bleak places before having the sun find them again – and doing so in a wholly unexpected, jarring, all-or-nothing fashion. These men had me feeling empathy, joy, hope, frustration, heartache, triumph and love.”
Thanks to MM Good Book Reviews for hosting this exclusive excerpt from “September”. As I say in the post, “In September, David struggled with the loss of the man with whom he thought he would spend his life, and with his own age. The excerpt I have chosen for you contains two scenes that take place shortly after David has injured himself while working out, and has met Brandon for the first time to start physical therapy. By showing David with two of his close friends, I hope you will get a glimpse of the conflicts David feels about where he is in his life, and the challenges he and Brandon will face.”