Contemporary M/M Romance from an incurable romantic
I couldn’t put this book down. I was absolutely and unregrettably captivated, mesmerized and engrossed in the unique world building of vampires and the well-developed characters. I want more from this author!!!!
The first Goodreads reviews for Fangsgiving are coming in, and I couldn’t be more pleased!

The vampire boy’s nostrils flared. “I can smell it on you. The vampire lord. The destroyer.”
“Destroyer?” Paul had to laugh. “Taviano? Are we talking about the same vampire?”
The boy hesitated at Paul’s reaction, then frowned. “I…I don’t know. Are we?”
“Well, what does your destroyer vampire look like? Because mine is tall, Italian and smoking hot.”
from Fangsgiving
Hi! Hard to believe it’s been four freakin’ years since I released a book. Presenting
This is part 2 of HOLIDAYS SUCK!, the continuing adventures of Taviano and Paul. It’s available now in paperback and on Kindle including Kindle Unlimited!
To celebrate the release of Fangsgiving, I’m giving away 3 $10 Amazon gift cards. Enter here.
A little bonus info for those of you who check out my website. Fangsgiving alternates POV between Paul and Taviano. For chapter headings, I gave them each a particular, plot-related alchemical symbol, one meaning “quintessence” and one meaning “air”. As you read the story, you’ll understand the signficance!

September is available in audiobook format on Audible, Amazon and iTunes!
Join me and narrator Kale Williams in a wide-ranging interview that explores the process and art of producing a romance audiobook.
Give a listen to the sample here … I hope you’ll agree that Kale Williams did a fantastic job on the narration!
Check out my books and other great reads

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I am an author of M/M romance novels, and an incurable romantic. I am a reader first, though, and I set out to write the stories I want to read. That means emotionally fulfilling endings, no cliffhangers, and compelling characters. My stories are primarily set in Washington, DC and in Provincetown.

“Know that joy is rarer, more difficult, and more beautiful than sadness. Once you make this all-important discovery, you must embrace joy as a moral obligation.” André Gide
Click here to learn more about me.
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